Well I am trying something new and we will see how it goes. Going to use a different page for every location. We are in Newport Oregon at Whaler Rest RV park. We got here 7/27 and will leave 8/3 for Pacific City Oregon. Weather has been nice (at least for me) in the 60's and not much wind except for at the beach. We had to take the Harley to Lincoln City to get a new starter and they were the only ones who had one. Yes they only break down when you are away from home and you can't fix it yourself. So I had them do it for me. We also went to the beach across the HWY from the park. It was windy and cool (ok cold for Gloria) found some shells and small agates.
Gloria also found a fossilized Clam.
Did some shopping at Fred Meyers and went to Agate beach to see what all was there and didn't see much bet the weather was much better. Met John and Sissy at South Jetty RV park and they came to Whalers Rest the same time we did. We had some good chats and some nice drinks. John gave us some fresh caught Tuna and we put it on the grill as I have never had it and yes it was good. Bristol also thought it was great. We also me Jim and Nancy, cool people from Oregon. They also gave us some Halibut and we will be cooking that soon. Sure are a lot of good people around the camping scene. Sat night we went to a Cave Man party and it was lots of fun.
Well left Whalers Rest yesterday 8/3 and drove to Pacific City Resort. Sure hated leaving as we had a great time. But all good things have to come to an end and this place is nice too.